Monday, September 27, 2010

I hate waiting.

So our due date came and went (Saturday the 25th), and although I'm not surprised that baby boy didn't come by the due date, a LARGE part of me hoped he would. Especially because they told me he might. And I know, it's only been 2 days so far, but this waiting stuff is for the BIRDS. I'm so restless! Rob and I are definitely enjoying these last few days of just the two of us, but we're so anxious to meet Liam. We have an appointment tomorrow morning (Tuesday, Sept. 28) and the doctor said last Friday that this appointment would definitely be our last appointment. Which means, hopefully, that he will schedule an induction. Not that I'm all gung-ho about being put into labor with drugs, but it will certainly put my mind at ease knowing that things are going to start happening. Not to mention it will help out certain people planning on traveling from the Buckeye state!!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sorry for the long pause!

Well, quite a bit of time has passed since my last post. Not intentionally--it was just a crazy summer with getting ready to move, and then moving, and setting up our new house all in between working and visiting family and not having internet for a long here we are. I vow to make more frequent posts, especially with the events of the next coming week (or so)!!! We are waiting literally any day for the birth of our little boy and we are SO excited (and scared too...but mostly excited). So for now I'll just post a picture of us over Labor Day weekend at my Mom & Dad's in Ohio, a couple of pictures of the baby's room, plus our last ultrasound pictures--which are so cool (we weren't expecting to get 3D pictures!) Stay tuned for another update SOON!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Trip to Florida

I had the blessing (thanks to the Lord and my husband) of spending a long weekend with my dear friend Katie and her husband, Evan, in Orlando a couple of weeks ago. I hadn't seen them since our wedding so it was MUCH needed and a great little pre-baby getaway...and it was extra fun because Katie is due 3 weeks ahead of me! 2 pregnant women sure know how to have a good time....lots of sappy movies and junk food :) I seriously had so much fun....thanks Katie and Evan! Here are some pictures (on my last post I had a terrible time trying to line up captions with the I'm just putting pictures this time...) we did all kinds of things, including visiting a local farmers market (where I had the best bagel of my LIFE), renting a bunch of movies, trying out El Pollo Tropical (Cuban fast-food...the most genius invention ever), going to church, and heading to the beach for a day.


Whew! It's been too long since I've posted...there is a LOT going on around here! A couple of weeks back Rob and I found a house which we will be moving into in the next couple of weeks...we are so thankful for God's provision. More to come about that! Meanwhile, a frenzy of pictures on the latest events:

First, our first (married) Easter in Ohio:

Junie :)

We also celebrated Dad's birthday...Rob and I got him a pipe! Here are the men having a little smoke on the porch.

Awesome Easter sand sculpture done by an artist in Findlay:

Easter egg hunt at Grandma's

An unsuccessful stilts attempt:

our little blue car doesn't quite fit in with the Corvette and the Mustang...

Playin' cornhole

Future home of the bees!


It was a great few days...and it didn't last long enough!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Happy April!

It is SO nice to finally be done with winter...not to mention the most disgusting, cold, depressing (weather-wise) winter ever. It is amazing how much better we feel when it is a little warmer and sunny outside. For me (Jayme) especially, since I haven't felt that great since about mid-January, the weather has lifted my mood and seems to make pregnancy discomforts a little easier (or at least, it takes my mind off of them).

We had a wonderful Easter in Ohio...more to come on that later. Hopefully I'll put some pictures up soon. It was so nice to get out of the city for a few days and just relax! We came back to Pittsburgh and had our third prenatal appointment on Wednesday evening. Luckily I was able to schedule it so that Rob could come this time--he got to hear the heartbeat for the first time, which was pretty cool! Baby Barone is still a strong little sucker with a heartrate of about 145-150 beats per minute. The doctor said everything looks great and that I am, medically speaking, a 'boring' patient because I am so healthy. I guess that's a good thing! At the appointment I was 15 weeks but he said my tummy is measuring well into 16 weeks. We have 3 more weeks until our ultrasound, and then we'll be able to find out the gender!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

It's cozy, but...

It's WAY too small for 3 fact, it's way too small for Rob and I! Our first apartment has been memorable--except for maybe the 43 steps from the street up to our door on the 3rd floor. We're eagerly looking for a new place to live though--we covet your prayers! We have met with a realtor and been pre-approved to buy a house, but we really feel that it isn't the right time to buy a house yet so we will be looking for a place to rent. We have a couple of good prospects, so hopefully we'll be settling down within a couple of months. We're very excited to move to a place big enough for us and the baby; and we're also excited to have enough room to have some people over (without piling them on top of one another!)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Baby Heartbeat!

Yesterday was our 2nd prenatal appointment, and I got to hear the baby's heartbeat! The doctor didn't have any problems finding it--it was very strong. And fast too! I honestly can't remember what he said the rate was--I think it was 136, which is right on track. Sadly the appointment time had to be switched kind of last-minute, so Rob couldn't get the day off for this one. Hopefully he'll get to hear it at our next appointment!